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Cold/Hot Therapy


Cold Therapy is the application of cold temperatures to an area. During this, blood flow is reduced. Thus reducing inflammation and decreasing the area of which inflammation can spread to. 

Alternatively Heat Therapy (the application of heat) increases blood flow to the area, which increases the supply of oxygen. This increase in blood and nutrition can reduce healing time, improve recovery time and reduce pain.

Friction Massage


Friction massage is a soft tissue massage technique, Effective when breaking down scar tissue formed during the healing process of an injury. This technique is key in reducing scar tissue and adhesions.

Muscle Memory Stimulation


Muscle memory is an important procedure that involves consolidating a specific motor movement into a memorable movement through repetition. This is a vital component when re-educating you and your movements.

Prehab/ Rehabilitation


Prehab is the prevention of injury. prevention is the greatest cure. Rehabilitation is also available for post injury clients allowing you to return to your full level of fitness.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation


A simple yet effective method of stretching. Using two techniques; Hold-Relax and Contract-Relax. Both effective with improving the flexibility of your muscles. 

Desensitisation/ Pain Reduction


Hypersensitivity has a variety of causes: Recent injury, Scar Production in nerve tissue, constriction of blood flow, nerve damage. Both can be reduced through many methods, it is our job to assess the cause and treat the condition accordingly.

Gait Education


Gait is the way a person walks, abnormal gait can be due to injury, postural defects or muscle tightness. Assessment of your Gait is vital to your future treatment. We offer re-education of gait to injured clients insuring "normal" gait returns quickly.

Muscle Stimulation


A vital component in muscle hypertrophy and strength. We use many methods using resistance bands, weights and body weight. All of which is dependant on your personal needs and originality. We ensure the most effect method is chosen for you.

Postural Education


Posture is becoming more and more important within everyday living. upper and lower cross syndrome, Spinal Postures, Rotated Hips, Knee Valgus/Varus and Ankle Supination/Pronation. All of which can lead to injury and pains.

Trigger Point Therapy


Myofascial trigger points refer to the "knots" you feel within tight muscle. This treatment consists of applying direct pressure onto the trigger points. Altering the pressure levels within the muscle fibres and reducing tightness. 



Exercise Therapy


The Majority of injuries rely on specific exercises to reduce pain and stiffness. Exercise also allows you to increase your functional strength. Reducing your time injured/ in pain and improving your overall fitness. 

Joint Manipulation


Joint manipulation is the passive movement of skeletal joints. Aiming mainly at synovial joints to encourage a therapeutic effect, such as pain relief and reducing joint stiffness.

Movement Education


During injury muscles and joints can become stiff, resulting in altered movement whether that is functional or specific movements. It is important re-education of movement is provided to ensure maximum quality of movement upon return from injury.

Pain Reduction


A major sign of injury is pain. Pain can be caused by a number of factors whether its postural defects, injury, DOMS or tightness. All of which can be treated.




Fitness Stimulation


Due to the qualifications and background of our therapists fitness stimulation and improvement is important to us. Able to return you back to full fitness and also improve your overall fitness. Ensuring all Components of fitness are equally improved.



Mobilisations are the usual technique for joint manipulations, providing small oscillatory movements to specific joints. Aiding in pain relief, quality of movement and muscle stiffness.

Myofascial Release


Myofascial release is a manual therapy consisting of different treatments used to treat chronic pains in tissue surrounding and supporting muscles throughout your body.

Soft Tissue Massage/ Therapy


An effective method of treatment. Aiding with DOMS, muscle tightness, muscle pain and fatigue. A major benefit of this treatment being the increase in blood flow providing analgesic effects, and breaking down adhesion's and scar tissue. 

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